Location3 Team

Porter: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence On the Future of the Digital Agency

Artificial intelligence is a hot-button issue for every industry, including the digital marketing world. But…

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Digital Shoptalk Podcast: Data Transparency, AI, and Review Management

Digital Shoptalk is back! On this episode, Alex and Josh discuss: the implications of the…

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Multi-Unit Franchise Conference Recap: Become Obsessed With Numbers

You’re dealt a 7 and a 4. The dealer is showing 3. Do you double…

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Location3 Study on Review Management Featured on Search Engine Land

A Location3 study that examines the relationship between online review management and paid-search conversions reviews was…

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Monthly Industry Roundup: April 2018

Location3 News: One of Location3’s goals for 2018 is to establish a relationship with a community-based…

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Digital Marketing News: Google My Business Adds Service Menus

Every week we’re collecting a host of links, videos, and assorted analysis on the ever-changing…

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