Location3 Team

How to Manage Duplicate Listings In Google My Business

The ‘ye old duplicate dilemma…What is a duplicate listing? How are duplicate listings hurting you?…

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The Quintessential Modern Marketing Miss

I am running late to the airport from a morning full of sales calls, just…

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Facebook Advertising Updates

Facebook recently announced it’s updating its user interface for creating and managing ads to improve…

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5 Ways Local Listings Improved in 2017

While many dubbed 2017 “the worst year ever” (isn’t that what they say every year?)…

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Weekly Digital Marketing News and Trends

Every week we’re collecting a host of links, videos, and assorted analysis on the ever-changing…

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Monthly Industry Roundup: January 2018

2017 gave us plenty to be thankful for at Location3; the incredible clients we continue…

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