Engaging the Growing Digital Senior Market  

In 2030, all baby boomers will be older than 65. By then, a significant portion of those—73 million boomers, according to the US Census Bureau—may require some form of assisted living. The demand for senior living facilities is expected to increase by 57% in the next 5 years. So now more than ever is a great time to be engaging the growing digital senior market and achieve digital marketing success.

The industry is booming, and the landscape is changing. The pandemic set a new precedent for the way Independent Living, Assisted Living, and Skilled Nursing Facilities interact with their patients. As a result, there was a large focus on improvement and investment towards using better technology and upgraded living environments in senior living facilities, many of which are more than 25 years old. This shift was necessary to continue serving the ever-evolving needs of seniors. 

Digital Senior Market Rise 

Since the pandemic, technology use has increased amongst those 55+. Seniors are turning to the internet more than ever to research the facilities and to make informed decisions about where they would like to live in the long term. Nearly 70% of seniors use the internet daily, with most of their time spent searching for health information. When seniors seek more information, it’s important to meet them where they are. This means not only through search but also through other online channels as well.  

An average American aged 65 and older spends almost 300 hours a year on social media, according to a 2023 poll.

Knowing when and how to maximize the exposure of your brand to this unique audience can help you stay ahead of the curve against your competitors. With more seniors spending time on social channels, this opens a world of opportunity to get your messaging at the forefront.

Understanding Your Senior Target Audience 

To effectively engage seniors, we must understand not only their online behavior but also their values and attitudes when building out a content strategy. For example, seniors value a sense of Independence, they want a place that supports their autonomy and enables them to continue living in a familiar environment. Many individuals in this age group also want to continue to have social interactions. This included opportunities for social interaction, companionship, and activities that aligned with their desire for a fulfilling connected life.

When crafting content or messaging, all this audience research must be taken into consideration to have the most success out of your digital efforts. There’s a lot of competition out there, the more you understand your target audience the better advantage you have of answering their specific needs. When deciding between their care options, seniors will consider these factors main factors;

  • Level of care: How much help the senior needs on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis  
  • Available support: How much help the senior can get from family, friends, and neighbors  
  • Finances: The cost of each type of care long-term (flexible options) 

The Sandwich Generation – Beyond the Senior Market 

Seniors often value the involvement of their families in the decision-making process regarding home care. While seniors may be our primary audience, it’s important to understand the input these adult children have in researching and selecting a home for their loved ones. This portion of individuals is known as the “Sandwich Generation,” having a child 18 or younger and an aging parent of 65.

Leveraging Media Mix 

It takes on average 7 interactions with a brand before a consumer converts. This makes it crucial to formulate a strong strategy, with multiple touch points and the right messaging to reach your prospect at the perfect time. Through a diverse grouping of Channels, our team of experts can build the ideal strategy, leveraging the best Media Mix plan for your business.  

Did you know that 88% of those 55+ are visiting YouTube at least once week? 

By utilizing the creative power of video and display advertising, channels like YouTube and the Google Display Network can be used to deliver localized messaging and generate awareness about your services to both seniors and their adult children. Retargeting is also a huge key factor with display advertising, targeting consumers who have already interacted with your brand. 

Paid Social can tailor audiences and prospective customers on Facebook, Instagram, Tik-Tik, etc. to increase reach, location awareness, lead generation, and more, with customized ad creative and Call-to-Actions (CTA’s). As of 2024, over 24% of FB users are 55+, making it a staple within in senior living advertising. 

Lastly, Paid Search puts your brand and services right in front of that active audience with high purchase intent on channels like Google and Bing. Custom campaigns and creatives can be localized for your business and personalized for those target audiences with the goal of capturing lead data and converting to sales. 

Growth through Performance. Powered by Technology. Advised by Experts.

It can be challenging to adapt to the constantly changing needs and nuances of the digital marketing landscape. By partnering with a strong digital marketing team like Location3, you’re provided with the most effective insights, strategies, and resources needed to not only reach but also engage your target audiences. We not only know the marketing landscape, but as experienced marketers within the Senior and Healthcare verticals, we understand what it takes to drive quality lead volume, decrease the sales cycle and CPA, while increasing occupancy rates and revenue.

Our proprietary platform LOCALACT, can offer a unique local media mix customized to fit your specific ad budget and objectives. Drive qualified leads by leveraging your local digital marketing efforts. If you’re interested in learning more on how to elevate your local digital strategy and connecting with the growing senior market more effectively, Contact Us, and let our team help your business achieve success with your marketing goals. 

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