Key Takeaways from FCXC 2024

Last week, our Location3 team was proud to again sponsor and support another incredible Franchise Customer Experience Conference (FCXC) in Atlanta, GA. From thought-provoking sessions to engaging discussions, this event offered a wealth of knowledge and inspiration as we look ahead to how technology, data and artificial intelligence continue to shape the franchising landscape and franchise customer experience. Here are some of the highlights that made FCXC 2024 an unforgettable event.

Insightful Sessions and Keynotes

One of the standout aspects of FCXC 2024 was the lineup of keynote speakers. We were treated to thought-provoking speeches by industry experts, including the renowned futurist Mike Walsh. His insights into the future of technology and its impact on franchising were both inspiring and eye-opening, while offering practical recommendations for how franchisors and suppliers can leverage artificial intelligence to optimize their business models and deliver a better experience to all customers. Several panel sessions also offered the opportunity for attendees to hearing real-world success stories from some of franchising’s brightest minds, and gain insight into how innovative strategies are being implemented across the industry. These sessions were not only educational but also left us feeling motivated to bring these ideas back to our own team and partners at Location3.

Reconnecting and Networking

Another highlight was the opportunity to reconnect with peers, friends, and colleagues within the franchising community. FCXC provided the perfect platform to discuss future opportunities for collaboration and share experiences from our respective journeys. The energy throughout the week was palpable as we exchanged ideas and brainstormed potential opportunities for partnership. The opportunities presented by the teams at Franchise Update Media and the International Franchise Association allow all attendees to build and strengthen relationships that can lead to exciting new ventures and collaborations in the future.

Hosting Round Table Discussions

One of the most rewarding experiences at FCXC 2024 was hosting round table discussions on the evolving landscape of ad tech and martech. These sessions were particularly engaging as they provided a forum for franchisors and suppliers to come together and discuss the latest innovations in our industry. We explored what’s old and what’s new in advertising technology and marketing technology, sharing insights and solutions that can help drive better results for franchise owners. The exchange of ideas was dynamic, and it was gratifying to see participants leave with actionable strategies they could implement in their own businesses.

Key Takeaways from the 2024 Annual Franchise Marketing Report (AFMR)

The initial data presented in the soon-to-be-released 2024 AFM report provided valuable benchmarking data and insights that franchise marketers can leverage to improve their marketing efforts and optimize budget allocation. Here are some key findings from the report we found to be most valuable:

  • Marketing Budget Allocation: Digital advertising continues to be a major focus, with 33% of the budget allocated to this area. Social media and websites also receive significant portions of the budget, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a strong online presence.
  • Digital Advertising Effectiveness: The report highlights that 72% of franchise brands found digital advertising to be the most effective in driving customer leads and traffic. Pay-per-click on search engines and social media advertising are particularly impactful.
  • Challenges in Marketing: Maintaining brand consistency (33%) and localized marketing efforts (52%) are among the top challenges faced by franchise marketers. Addressing these challenges is crucial for sustaining brand integrity and reaching local audiences effectively.
  • AI in Customer Experience: 57% of franchises are leveraging AI technologies to enhance customer experience, with chatbots and personalized recommendations being the most common applications. AI is seen as a valuable tool for improving customer satisfaction and engagement.

Looking Ahead

As I reflect on my time at FCXC 2024, I am filled with a sense of gratitude and enthusiasm. The knowledge and connections gained from this event are invaluable, and I am eager to implement the new ideas and strategies we discussed. A big thank you to the teams at Franchise Update Media and the IFA for putting together such a phenomenal event and to everyone we had the pleasure of meeting. The future of franchising looks bright, and we’re excited to continue to play a pivotal role as we continue to innovate and enhance the customer experience.

If any of these highlights that made FCXC 2024 an unforgettable event resonates with your business, be sure to contact our team to learn how we can help with your digital marketing growth and transformation in this new landscape!

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