Location3 Spotlight: Internship Program

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash
Regardless of the unique situation this year – with minimal in-person contact or visits to the office, Location3 has still managed to provide an indispensable experience for the company through the internship program. By creating an engaging and supportive environment, L3 sets up interns for success.
Learn more about the internship program from HR Director Amanda Qualls along with Account Manager and previous intern, Samantha Mulllinix. Continue reading to hear from our current interns and for more details about the program!
Amanda Qualls, HR Director
What is Location3’s internship program all about?
[AQ] Our internship program is designed to provide a well-rounded picture of who Location3 is, our clients, as well as what exactly it is we do. We want interns to go through this program feeling like they are as much as part of the team as everyone else. The program is structured in a way that allows interns to meet with key players at Location3, learn from previous interns who have gone on to become full-time employees, and really invites interns to take the lead on discovering more about digital marketing and what they love about it.
Why did you create the internship program?
[AQ] We created this program because we wanted to add more value to the internship experience. We saw so many success stories with interns going on to become full-time employees and continue to grow at Location3, that we wanted to design a program that helped facilitate this even further.
What do you want interns to gain from this program?
[AQ] We want interns to gain real world experience by working with our amazing team. We want to provide them opportunities to apply what they are learning or have learned in their marketing courses. We want them to understand all the pieces that go into making Location3 successful and we want them to see how awesome our company is. Ultimately, we want to help them further their passion for digital marketing.
What value do you feel interns add to Location3?
[AQ] – Our interns are rockstars! They provide so much support to our Account Managers and we come to rely on them just as much as other team members.
What qualities do you look for when hiring interns?
[AQ] We look for self-starters who are excited to dive into the digital marketing world. We want interns who ask questions, raise their hands to take on more when they are able, and overall, those who are eager and passionate to be a part of the team.
Samantha Mullinix, Account Manager
What did you do to excel as an intern at Location3?
[SM] I made sure to go out of my way to meet new employees within Location3 and create mentoring relationships with some of the individuals I worked closest with during my internship time.
What did you get out of the internship program?
[SM] Being an intern gives one the ability to not only understand the digital industry better, but it allowed me to get exposure to multiple different digital services and better identify what type of work culture I wanted to be a part of when looking for a full-time position.
What was your favorite part about the internship program?
[SM] My favorite part of the intern program was being able to work side by side with some brilliant employees who quickly became professional role models for me.
What path did you take to get to where you are now at L3?
[SM] When I was near graduation, Location3 offered me a full-time position in the local listings department. Many of the individuals I became close with within our company also started in this position which made it easier for me to ask for guidance. From there I have learned SEO and am currently learning paid search. I had expressed interest in both these departments and L3 was great in supporting my growth goals in allowing me opportunities in both these specialties. I have now worked at L3 for 2 and a half years full time and still love it! The people are what make this place so special 🙂
Meet Our Current Current Interns
Jackson Smith
[JM]: My name is Jackson Smith, I am an intern at Location3, and I go to the University of Colorado – Denver. My internship experience with Location3 has been very beneficial to me. I’ve learned so much about various advertising platforms and how to utilize them to understand how each service that Location3 provides can benefit the clients that come to L3. Also, the people that work for Location3 have been very accepting, friendly, and helpful in getting me to understand how the company works and how each service is beneficial to each of the clients. I feel that I’ve learned so much from Location3 in the short time that I’ve been here, but I also know that I have a lot more to learn and look forward to that opportunity.
Annika Tunkkari
I am currently a senior at the University of Colorado Boulder studying Business Administration with Marketing and Information Management. My experience as an intern at Location3 has been invaluable. Even having been onboarded fully remotely amidst a pandemic, this company has been nothing but supportive and has given me the tools, capabilities, and connections that I will cherish. L3 has been generous in offering me the chance to explore various aspects of a marketing agency in real world application alongside my education. I believe L3 is a company dedicated to helping clients through an unparalleled strategy and a positive company culture, and I sincerely look forward to learning and growing more with L3.
Additional Information
Currently the length of the internship program is up to the intern and Location3’s hiring needs but is typically 6 months long. If an intern is in school, they are usually with L3 for a year or more while they finish their degree. If in an intern has graduated, they may be interning for 3 to 6 months – and L3 may hire them full time if they are a good match! There is no typical seasonality when it comes to the timeline for hiring interns, but we are looking for a new intern right now to join the team! We are also looking to open up internship opportunities for Denver-area high school students this summer – young marketers stay tuned!
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