1851 Magazine: Franchise Marketing Webinar feat. Location3

Location3’s Senior Director of Marketing, Josh Allen, had the chance to sit down with a few other franchise marketing experts recently, and discuss how the economic impact of COVID-19 is shaping the way franchises do business in 2020 and beyond.

(Originally posted by 1851 Magazine):

“In times of financial crisis, one of the first budget cuts goes to marketing and public relations. There seems to be confusion on pushing pause on all campaigns, pulling back on budgets, or staying the course. Franchisors want to know the data behind the decision so they can make an educated choice, but marketers are learning in the moment as well.

To that end, 1851 Franchise gathered a few franchise marketing leaders to share insights on what experts are seeing and hearing in the analysis of data and from industry peers. 1851 Vice President Liane Caruso spoke with Aubree Coderre, National Sales Manager at C Squared SocialJosh Allen, Senior Director of Marketing at Location3Jamshaid (Jam) Hashmi, CEO of ClickTecs; and CEO and co-founder of FranchiseSoft, about how digital marketing tactics have been impacted by this unprecedented crisis.”


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