Industry Roundup: December 2020

Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash
Location3’s 2021 Marketing Industry Predictions – Watch Now!
Location3’s digital marketing experts share their insights into what to expect in 2021! In an industry that sees constant change, and following a year that threw all predictions out the window, our team is forward-thinking and planning for the next chapter. From privacy and data usage in digital advertising, to virtual networking, hear from our thought leaders on how we’re gearing up for the new year!
Watch the Franchise Activation Conference
We’re proud of our Franchise Activation Conference, a collaborative effort with Google and the International Franchise Association (IFA). This event provided invaluable content – for franchise executives as well as local business owners – on topics including diversity in the workplace, government advocacy for the franchise industry, and expert local marketing advice from Google. Watch the event in its entirety on YouTube!
The Impact of the Google Search Terms Report Update
We now have data showing the actual impact of Google’s decision to limit search terms report data. The update took effect in September and limits search terms data to include only searches from a ‘significant’ number of users. Location3’s Justin Salazar provides insights into how Location3 is adapting our strategy and implementing tools to combat data loss. Read more.
Improve Your Site’s Core Web Vitals
Your site’s Core Web Vitals report is key to understanding how to improve your search visibility. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) expert Matt Lacuesta provides a breakdown of Core Web Vitals and details their importance in his piece for Location3. He also provides a list of important action items you should take in light of Google’s May 2021 algorithm update, which will incorporate page experience signals as ranking factors. Learn more.
Partner Spotlight: Ace Hardware Inspires Creativity this Holiday Season
Just a holiday shout-out to our friends and partners at Ace Hardware for their contributions to our local Denver community! Our local Ace Hardware sponsors the Denver Post’s Holiday Lights Competition and provides rewards for the winners. What a wonderful way to inspire creativity and beautify our community! Check out the winning light displays.
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