Industry Roundup – February 2023

Here are the latest updates for the month of February:

2023 IFA Annual Convention Recap

We had a great time as a sponsor of the 2023 International Franchise Association Convention this year. Here’s our take on what were the biggest topics and takeaways from this year’s convention.


Marketing Attribution White Paper

Get your official copy of our Marketing Attribution White Paper. Read about what Marketing Attribution is, the different types of models, and how you can implement it within your own business. Download your copy here.

Trending Topic: Artificial Intelligence

With ChatGPT taking over everyone’s newsfeed this month, here are some more important articles on how it could directly affect marketing:

AI in marketing: 7 areas where it shines and struggles

Martech Logo

Artificial Intelligence will jump start innovation in many areas, but it has its strengths and limitations (for now). Check out Martech’s take on where artificial intelligence shines and struggles here.


Top retailers use AI-powered campaigns to engage their most valuable customers. Here are 4 steps they follow

In this article on Think with Google, they deep-dive into strategies you can implement to start using artificial intelligence more effectively for your business. Read it here.

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